Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is it illegal to have a hair salon in your basement?

I want to build a room with a sink and chair so I can do my friend's and family's hair. I'm not advertising or anything. Do I need to register the salon if I take payment for it?

Oh by the way I live in MASSIs it illegal to have a hair salon in your basement?
As it says on the state board ';No person shall operate a cosmetology salon, manicuring salon or aesthetics salon without first obtaining from the Board a license to operate such salon.';

http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=ocaterminal%26amp;鈥?/a>Is it illegal to have a hair salon in your basement?
I'm not sure how mass. works but in pa. you could do hair in your house as long as you are not charging. But if someone wants to give a tip in cash oh well. just don't advertise, cause then you would need to get a salon liscense, some people might report you. Go on the Mass. state liscensing board website, you can get more info.
I personaly think its not a big deal and its not illegal. But now, if you put up signs saying you do hair cheap in your basement then its illegal.
yes obviously!!
I won't tell if you won't!

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